Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Tenth Annual Kennedy Reunion 1908

Source: The Marion Daily Mirror
Thursday, September 3, 1908
Tenth Annual Reunion Is Held
Kennedy Family Meets at the W. Kennedy Home
The Day Proved a Very Pleasant One for the One Hundred Members Present.
The tenth annual reunion of the Thomas Kennedy family was held Tuesday, at the home of his youngest son, Washington Kennedy, two miles northeast of Martel. There were one hundred present. Mr. and Mrs. James Kennedy, of Ranslear, Ind. were present from a distance.
After the usual big dinner, which was served on the lawn, the president J. W. Kennedy called the family together. Mrs. Amy Kennedy, presided at the organ and F. A. Kennedy led the singing. A pleasing talk was given by Rev. Wallace of Iberia. The record of the past years was read by Mrs. J. W. Kennedy, historian. There were two marriages, Jay Stoltz and Ida Baker; Hollis Pace and Edith Jones. Three births, Eveline Lucille, daughter of Thomas and Rose Baker (note this would be Mildred Baker), Daughter of George and Sadie Watts.
Ice cream and melons were served and goodbyes were said. All left for their homes, regretting that the day was not longer.