Bucyrus Journal Friday, 2/15/1897
William K. Kennedy was born in Mifflin County, Pennsylvania, February 1818, and died February 2, 1897, aged 78 years, 11 months and 16 days.
He came to Ohio with his parents in the year 1882, locating in Crawford County, just east of Bucyrus. For nearly seven years he labored as a farm hand for the small sum of from six to twelve dollars per month
He was married May 28, 1844, to Margaret B. Shank, to which union were born nine children. The same year he moved to Marion County, taking up his residence in a log cabin about one-quarter of a mile east of his present home. For fifty-three years he lived on the same farm, occupying two or three different houses during those years. His wife departed this life June 2, 1860. He was married to his present wife, Mary A. Lamb (should say Lance), January 23, 1862. To this union, one child was born.
William Kennedy was a good neighbor, a kind husband and father, and a very successful businessman. Nearly four hundred gathered at the Whetstone M. E. church to pay a last tribute of respect to one who had lived so long among them. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. C. L. Lewis, the pastor.
He leaves a companion, seven children, forty-three grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren beside a multitude of neighbors and more distant friends to mourn their loss. Their surviving children are Lydia Jane Baker, T.S. Kennedy, James W. Kennedy, Emma Roberts, Anzilla Watts, Margaret E. Hill and Samira K. Jones