Thursday, August 15, 2013

1980 Reunion

1980 Reunion - Thomas Baker descendants
Back - Bill Furniss, Jean Baker, Cleo Baker
Front - Beulah Baker Furniss, Edith Baker

1980 Reunion
Charles and Della Baker Garver Descendants

1980 Reunion
Dean and Naomi Baker Descendants

1980 Reunion - Jean Baker, Edith Baker, Maida Baker and Earl Baker

1980 Reunion - Vernon Baker Descendants

1980 Reunion - Jay and Idro Baker Stolz descendants
The children standing are my four children (Elainer Dowden) Elizabeth Ann, Amy Jo, Timothy
Nathan Thomas, and Jill Marie. The adults are Uncle Bob Maley married to Treva Stoltz, Uncle Howard Lust married to Miriam Stoltz and my parents
Virgil and Orlena sStoltz.
1980 Baker Reunion

1 comment:

  1. The children standing are my four children. Elizabeth Ann, Amy Jo, Timothy
    Nathan Thomas, and Jill Marie. The adults are Uncle Bob Maley married to Treva Stoltz, Uncle Howard Lust married to Miriam Stoltz and my parents
    Virgil and Orlena sStoltz. Thank you for working so hard to preserve these treasured memories. Elaine Stoltz Oswalt Dowden
